Wagn error on Passenger with Ruby1.9.1
Support Ticket
When running Wagn on Debian Lenny, with Ruby 1.9.1p378, Apache2, mod_rails (Passenger 2.2.11)
It appears when something isn't cached yet by for instance running it in Ruby 1.8, the error appears.
All is fine when running under Ruby 1.8.7 + Passenger 2.2.9.
Also, when running the same production site from console with either Webrick or Mongrel, everything is alright too.
The follow error occurs when viewing pages:
Processing CardController#show (for at 2010-03-18 15:54:23) [GET]
Parameters: {"id"=>"Home"}
WAGN: per request setup
Rendering template within layouts/application
ActionView::TemplateError (can't convert nil into String) on line #5 of app/views/views/_open.rhtml:
2: <%= slot.header %>
3: <% end %>
5: <%= slot.wrap_content( slot.render(:expanded_view_content) ) %>
7: <%= slot.notice %>
8: <% if card.ok?(:comment) %> <%#and !card.hard_template %>
app/models/card/basic.rb:29:in `block in table_of_contents'