What Happened to Drafts+discussion

I thought I had lost it pasting into a new card because I only saw the last line after pasting. The problem was that it dosesn't show the scroll bar when you paste something that doesn't fit. It seemed that even dragging the size widget in the corner it didn't just fix. This is probably a tinyMCE bug, but it might be worth a look if we could mitigate in wagn. I ended up losing my edit because I didn't realize and navigated away.

--Gerry Gleason.....2017-04-29 13:12:56 UTC

I suspect we still track the autosave, though interface is either hard to find or perhaps even lost. I can't look into this right away but am asking Philipp and Vignesh if they know anything.

--Ethan McCutchen.....2017-04-30 03:32:03 UTC