add file endings generating more file formats
We currently support file formats you'd expect by adding the file endings .txt, .css or .html to the end of any card name. There are other endings we'd like people to be able to use and get what they expect.
- .htm - same as .html
- .json - ?? (in progress)
- .xml - ?? (in progress)
- .pdf - offers a pretty-printed PDF of the card (no menu or sidebar)
- .csv - see add csv file format
- .jpg, .gif, .png, etc. - just the image full size, i.e. ?size=full&layout=none
if the file ending isn't the same format as how it's stored, convert? - .rtf - Rich Text Format - There's a 0.1 gem from 2005, The latest specification is 1.9.1 (2008), but it may make sense to implement an older one anyway, to avoid generating fiies that can't be opened with older software.
- Word processor formats:
- .odt - Libre/OpenOffice
- .doc, .docx - MS Word
- ?
see handle mp3 and other media types (.mp3, etc.)
What to do with endings like .php and .asp? To maintain canonical URLs from migrating sites we'd want to treat them like .html - are there use cases where that would not make sense? lists includes more of these.
--John Abbe.....Mon Jan 24 16:51:14 -0800 2011
There are a bunch of directories of file endings. None of the ones I found with a quick search looked that great (e.g. none of them pointed to published specifications for .rtf), but has >10,000, and has a nice list of categories to browse through.
--John Abbe.....Wed Feb 16 04:55:16 -0800 2011
+discussed in support tickets
+relevant user stories