better error when card used as cardtype isn't






Shouldn't wait til submit to give an error, should warn you up front.

I don't see why creating a rule that can't be accessed is a problem. I tried foobar+*type+*content as an example, but didn't see anything odd. If it throws errors, I'm not seeing it in the web-interface and I didn't get any new Airbrake messages either.


In principle, we want to be able to create a rule for a cardtype, then make the controlling card into a cardtype later. It simplifies loading card decks (fewer order dependencies) and has the same effect for a Wagneer (don't have to create the cardtype card first). On the other hand if you are creating FooBar+*type+*structure (or any rule), and FooBar didn't exist yet, you could actually force it to a Cardtype by default.


Warning would be ok, but I think it should be able to create the rule anyway.

--Gerry Gleason.....2013-06-08 21:24:03 +0000

I kind of think we just close this. There's no awful message now, and this would only apply to people who are creating things manually, which will be less and less the case.


I don't think I like the implicit cardtype change idea. seems as likely to multiply mistakes as to simplify things.

--Ethan McCutchen.....2013-06-10 04:06:21 +0000