If you're not signed in, then when you try to submit a comment on the discussion below, you should see a captcha appear.
How To
First, your deck must be configured with ReCaptcha keys.
Turning Captcha On and Off
To turn captcha cards on and off, edit the captcha setting in a card's rules.
The captcha setting is a toggle; when it's on, every card that a user can create, edit, comment on, or delete without signing in will require a captcha. Naturally, captchas are never required for signed-in users.
Server/Key Configuration
If you are hosting your own Wagn, you will need to register for ReCaptcha keys and add them to config/application.rb, like so:
config.recaptcha_public_key = '6LdhRssSAAAAAFfLt1Wkw43hoaA8RTIgso9-tvtc'
config.recaptcha_private_key = '6LdhRssSAAAAAGwzl069pJQBdmzCZigm1nV-dmqK'
- So far, Decko's spammers seem most intent on creating bogus accounts. We highly recommend using captchas for Sign up.
Where is this toggle? I don't see it for Sign Up cards.