Hello, wagneers!


I'm doing some consulting for my friends at techethics.org in Atlanta, and I've been quite pleasantly surprised to dive into the wagn docs and codebase and see what you're all up to. It looks like wagn will meet most if not all our immediate organizational needs, as well as providing a great base for development. We're python/plone people, but I've been playing with ruby for several years while watching the community, and coming from an oldschool lisp/AI background, I've been looking for an excuse to play with blocks. ;) 


I'd like a card, please.


--cliff longino





Hi Cliff, and welcome to Wagn! Your name seems familiar to me, but maybe i'm just connecting it to Clifford Adams, developer of the most excellent old school Usemod wiki. --John Abbe


Hi John.


Actually, your familiarity sensor is not misfiring. We met back in 2001, IIRC, at the international nvc shindig for that year, up in Bellingham, and had what I recall as some *amazing* conversations regarding the way that communications dynamics seem to shift online, the way that emotional misunderstandings that flare out of control on email can be often grounded and bridged in minutes ftf or on a phone call... and ways that NVC might be more effectively applied in cyberspace. I led some latenight sufi dances, and an openspace workshop on the last day that bridged Riane Eisler's work with NVC, playing some Reclaiming tradition experiential games that let people directly experience power-over and power-with leadership styles in their body, if that helps jog things any further.


Then a few weeks back, mulling over some user stories and thinking through needs with my friends at techethics, the question popped into my head: What would John Abbe say? AbbeNormal--> Wagn.org--> hello again.


I appreciate the hosting setups, and all the work you guys have done on wagn. It's been a real joy to work with so far, and I'm just about at the point where I'm going to start asking some serious documentation questions. ;)


 --cliff longino.....Tue Aug 18 01:03:18 -0700 2009


ah, cool! I never would have imagined a story like that for how someone would find Wagn, but i'm glad you have. And i welcome your serious documentation questions.


I read some on the current techethics site, and imagine y'all might also like some of Tom Atlee's stuff - see http://co-intelligence.org/ (i'm president of this small non-profit) - he also has a great book, The Tao of Democracy http://taoofdemocracy.com/

  --John Abbe.....Tue Aug 18 23:48:12 -0700 2009

Did you go to Penn, mid 80's? Live in the lovely Hill House? From Atlanta?

  -- (Not signed in).....2013-02-02 20:36:08 +0000
