Well you require a story, so this is the story about me doing it of necessity.. And not liking it.

Could be I`m just an advanced spambot btw.

Very advanced :)


hi cloo, according to recent changes you turned off the sitewide captcha and tried to change the default layout.  we like to assume good faith but that kinda thing could cause us a lot of trouble so we've suspended your account for now.   --Lewis


Sorry for misunderstanding.


I tried to change the layout because I saw it as individualisation. It would be misconception to let anyone changing site`s public layout.


But as an excuse I could add a little bit to my story.


I painfully succeeded installing my own wagn on some ancient 256Mb RAM machine to find out it was a bad idea - apparently wagn needs power. It`s a pity I can`t get me get a paid ruby server neither a decent machine, so the most elegant wiki solution I found so far turned out to be not for me..

  --cloo (Not signed in).....Thu Mar 18 11:14:43 -0700 2010

Hi cloo,


I re-activated your account, as it doesn't sound like you had any bad intentions. Yeah, Wagn is probably not going to be happy with 256Mb of RAM, though it might be worth playing with different caching setups. We do provide hosted wagns if that sounds appealing.

  --Ethan McCutchen.....Thu Mar 18 12:37:20 -0700 2010
