custom signups
Here's the information we request of people signing up on
And here's the form that information visible on User cards:
How To
When someone signs up for Wagn, an Sign up card is created. So, to customize the sign-up information, you simply format the set of Account Request cards using the *structure setting. Learn more about structure.
When an Account Request is approved, the card is changed into a User card. If you want some of the sign-up (account request) fields to show up on the eventual User card, just include the same card on the User card using structure.
Note: both the Sign up and User types may be renamed -- they'll still work.
- You can use structure on the relative inclusions to determine their type. For example, if you're including +birthday, then setting the cardtype of birthday+*right+*default to date will make it so that they're presented with a date picker rather than a text box to enter their birthday.
- You don't have to put all of the nesting from Sign up cards into User cards; they'll still be in the system.
- Note that this information will not be requested when someone is invited to a Wagn by way of the "Invite a Friend" link.