disentangle admin cards from coded cards
Currently, star cards conflate two purposes:
- Letting coders know which cards are referenced in code.
- Keeping administrative/Wagneering cards from muddying up the main namespace. (a third, perhaps conflation-ok purpose is to let Wagn administrators and users know when they might be editing a card that could break things. Even in cases where it's okay if they edit the content of the card, it could mess WQL up if they rename it.)
Note that Wagn's design principles can lead things that were in code to no longer be - e.g., *sidebar. And any definition of what cards count as content vs. administrative/Wagneering is going to be subjective (it's part of what Wagn's about to fuzz that line!), but i think we can help people with this a lot by making some good choices about this in the default card set.
Design-wise, any solution should make it easy to move cards among these categories with as little pain as possible.
Ethan and i talked about this some; here's my sense of what we came up with, fleshed out a bit:
"*in code+*right+*default" is a Toggle, restricted to editing by Administrator. (We maintain the +*in code settings on English.) On cards where +*in code = yes, a small graphical indicator shows up in the card header of cards in code. (perhaps only visible to people with a given Role?)
Stars are used only for administrative/Wagneering cards.
These lists may not be complete; please help fill them out. Not listed are star cards that are in code. Are there any of them that it would make sense to remove the star from
Current star cards that are not in code:
- *sidebar - keep as star card
- Related subtabs: *incoming, *outgoing, *plusses, *community - keep as star cards
- See the discussion below about the cards used in those tabs:
- *linkers, *links, *includers, *inclusions, *plus cards, *plus parts
- *tagged (tags is not a star card)
- *editors, *edited by
- *roles, *members
- *watching (*watchers is in code)
- ?
Admin cards that are not star cards:
- Default Layout -> star card
- email config -> star card
- by name, by create, by update - non-star; see discussion
- Administrator links - keep as non-star card
- ?
Cards we'd like to add that raise the questions, star or no star?:
- radio, checkbox, select, multiselect, list (to switch to a menu for +*input) -> star cards; see discussion below
- ?
+discussed in support tickets
+relevant user stories