ease form building




Submenu changes

I removed a bunch of the old submenu ideas listed here, as they're mostly covered (arguably more effectively) by our work on Related Tabs. - EFM

On form cards with any inclusions, add "Format: inclusions" - clicking shows list of forms which apply to cards on the form, in closed.  Eg, for an inclusion of  +X, it shows X+*rform.


It would be really great if help text were worked into the same view.


Name changes?


*tform -> *type form (or format?)

*rform -> *name form (or format?)




I just tagged this with Wagn 0.13 so we'd give some thought to all the ways we could ease form building through our new related tab.

If a card uses a *tform, we should probably make that show up on the config tab, no?

  --Ethan McCutchen.....Tue Apr 07 13:37:37 -0700 2009

I don't think we're ready to undertake the inclusion thing for 1.0, but if we want to change the names, doing so before 1.0 makes sense (particularly because of the changes we'll need to make to related tabs)

  --Ethan McCutchen.....Wed May 06 12:06:55 -0700 2009

This is still a priority and has not been achieved, but our ideas around this have evolved so much that this ticket doesn't seem particularly helpful any more. therefore closing.

  --Ethan McCutchen.....Wed Feb 10 14:22:03 -0800 2010