edit alternative besides tab and double-click?

Support Ticket

edit alternative besides tab and double-click?+status
edit alternative besides tab and double-click?+tags

edit alternative besides tab and double-click?+issues

I'd like to disable double-click-to-edit on evolutionaryactivism.com (almost but not-quite-yet live) but it's the only GUI way to edit since i removed card headers. I thought to copy the javascript from the "Edit" link into the sidebar, but wasn't surprised that it didn't work since it references a card number (and i'm guessing the 'this' reference may be to the enclosing card?):


<a href="#" onclick="new Ajax.Updater(getSlotSpan(this), '/card/edit/9307?context='+getSlotContext(this)+'&amp;' + getSlotOptions(this), {asynchronous:true, evalScripts:true}); return false;">Edit</a>


Anyone have an idea how to construct some javascript that would do the trick?


John, can you make a dev ticket called make simple edit-alternative to double click and make it medium pri?

Some discussion of this on What's up with date?

  --Ethan McCutchen.....Mon Feb 22 09:08:59 -0800 2010


  --John Abbe.....Sat May 01 17:19:25 -0700 2010

awesome. closing...

  --Ethan McCutchen.....Sun May 02 13:25:04 -0700 2010