embedded pages are not renaming
Support Ticket
For quite some time, I'm finding that renames of embedded pages are not renaming the originally embedded card name, even when "Fix it" is clicked.
I just tried it at http://test.dwagn.org/wagn/includer_card and it worked. Can you link to a specific example? --John
did you happen to notice whether these were "relative" inclusions -- like, starting with a "+"?
--Ethan McCutchen.....Sun Mar 27 13:32:06 -0700 2011
They are "relative" inclusions starting with a "+".
--Brandon WilliamsCraig.....Sun Mar 27 14:30:03 -0700 2011
OK, great. (in the sense that it's very reproducible).
My guess is that the pattern matching is trying to find "Card X+Card Y", which isn't matching "+Card Y". It's a little trickier than it sounds, but it needs to be worked out. It may be that in the initial fix we address the common "+cardname" case but not other relative names (_self+cardname, _left+cardname, cardname+, etc).
Will ticket soon. Want to survey related tickets first.
--Ethan McCutchen.....Mon Mar 28 10:25:14 -0700 2011
forgot to say: thanks for the clear, detailed ticket!!!
--Ethan McCutchen.....Mon Mar 28 10:25:37 -0700 2011