For quite some time, I'm finding that renames of embedded pages are not renaming the originally embedded card name, even when "Fix it" is clicked.
I just tried it at and it worked. Can you link to a specific example? --John
did you happen to notice whether these were "relative" inclusions -- like, starting with a "+"?
--Ethan McCutchen.....Sun Mar 27 13:32:06 -0700 2011
They are "relative" inclusions starting with a "+".
--Brandon WilliamsCraig.....Sun Mar 27 14:30:03 -0700 2011
OK, great. (in the sense that it's very reproducible).
My guess is that the pattern matching is trying to find "Card X+Card Y", which isn't matching "+Card Y". It's a little trickier than it sounds, but it needs to be worked out. It may be that in the initial fix we address the common "+cardname" case but not other relative names (_self+cardname, _left+cardname, cardname+, etc).
Will ticket soon. Want to survey related tickets first.
--Ethan McCutchen.....Mon Mar 28 10:25:14 -0700 2011
forgot to say: thanks for the clear, detailed ticket!!!
--Ethan McCutchen.....Mon Mar 28 10:25:37 -0700 2011