enable and maintain hand ordering of Search items



People often want to establish custom order of Search-defined collections of things (e.g. songs in rule-based playlists in iTunes, lists of potential events). We could allow this, and maintain that custom order the next time that Search is viewed. (This would override respect order of Pointer items found with referred_to_by in a found_by Search.)


The simplest implementation would have one order system-wide. A richer implementation would fall back to that unless individual users set up their own custom order. Switching between the two should be easy.



Not sure I get this.  There are implicit lists (stored as queries of some sort) and explicit lists (stored as the full list).  I'm not sure there are a lot of exceptions to this; I haven't seen anything in playlists that does that.


I can see saving a current implicit list as an explicit list (taking a search, making it a pointer, then tweaking the order).  But I don't get how we would represent a blend of the two.

They let you custom-order "search" (aka implicit) playlists, give it a try.


There are certainly non-trivial design, and no doubt implementation, issues - for example I haven't seen what happens if you change the search to exclude an item in the middle of a list and then change it back.

  --John Abbe.....Sun Feb 13 13:05:58 -0800 2011

It gets added to the end. (This happens whenever items are newly found by the search.)

  --John Abbe.....Tue Apr 05 21:53:59 -0700 2011

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