enable size in URLs


enable size in URLs+status
enable size in URLs+priority
enable size in URLs+commit

enable size in URLs+issues

Wanting more ways to access full size images, and generally for URLs to have all of Wagns power.




Okay that's weird, the example works but http://www.wagn.org/wagn/screenshot_of_cache_problem?view=content&size=full&layout=noside doesn't. Did someone read my mind and do this? --John

Seriously, I'd like to use this soon if it's already been implemented :-).

  --John Abbe.....Sat Feb 19 07:42:47 -0800 2011

not implemented. example is already full sized to start with :)

  --Ethan McCutchen.....Sat Feb 19 11:13:58 -0800 2011

looks easy.

  --Ethan McCutchen.....Sat Feb 19 11:16:06 -0800 2011

hahaha, didn't even think of checking that.



  --John Abbe.....Sat Feb 19 11:30:57 -0800 2011

coded: daa12d7

(these are commit nums. would be great to add a phrase for this somewhere. might allow github integration at some point)

  --Ethan McCutchen.....Sat Feb 19 14:58:20 -0800 2011

not working yet, see http://www.wagn.org/wagn/screenshot_of_cache_problem?view=content&size=full&layout=noside

  --John Abbe.....Sat Feb 19 17:15:18 -0800 2011

haha, that was on wagn.org - yup, works on test

  --John Abbe.....Sat Feb 19 17:16:33 -0800 2011