flexmail busted

Support Ticket


I tried http://www.fortzedchallenge.com/wagn/Invitation+*type+email_config+*to including _+to, default and using |naked but I kept getting this error:

Net::SMTPSyntaxError: 501 5.1.3 Bad recipient address syntax


Tried including an existing card with an email address in it and that broke the same way, and I finally just tried entering an email address directly (as it is now), and still got the same error!


I set up something on test and got the same problem.





wack.  will debug tomorrow.

problem appears to be with relative names of config cards (eg. _left+email_config) as values of *send. Have written patch but not yet deployed. Can workaround with absolute name for now.

  --Ethan McCutchen.....Fri Dec 03 13:18:58 -0800 2010

I tried on http://test.dwagn.org/wagn/Book+*type+email_config (in +*to) and when I added a Book card got an error, Hoptoad says, Net::SMTPSyntaxError: 501 5.1.3 Bad recipient address syntax

  --John Abbe.....Wed Dec 08 17:21:45 -0800 2010