gather more info from invitation requesters



Connectipedia needs a sign-up process that allows anyone to submit the following pieces of information:

  • first name
  • last name
  • organization
  • email address
  • gosw checkbox (Grantmakers of Oregon and Southwest Washington)

Anyone who registers still needs to be approved before they begin editing, but this info must be gathered beforehand.


formatting of Invitation Request card.


  • Toggle cardtype
  • make invitation into a regular card.



Amy said:
on one of the entry pages, there is a sign up form.  it is going to include first name, last name, organization, email address, and a box to check if they are a member of gosw (so that i can verify that and mark them as a member of that group instead of the default public group for their permissions).  how do we make this form groovy with wagn and all that?

What's gosw?

  --John Abbe.....Thu May 29 23:39:33 +0000 2008