gherkin 2.2.8 error when bundle install with wagn 1.6+discussion

I tried to post this to github several days ago through their reply mechanism, but I guess it didn't take.  Sorry about that!

Hi tukanos,

Thanks for the detailed report.

First, I would say that the gherkin gem is only necessary if you are going to be running the test suite -- as in, if you're going to be developing Wagn. If that's not the case, the fastest fix may be to run `bundle install --without test`.  There's more information about using bundler with wagn on on the installation card.

However, if you are wanting to be able to run the test suite, it shouldn't be a difficult fix.  Just edit the Gemfile and change line 75 to something like '>=2.2.8', which should allow bundler to use the more recent gem.  For what it's worth, I'll try that update too and make sure it's working in all of our testing setups.  I would love to be using all of the most recent rspec and cucumber gems, but there have been issues when we've tried to upgrade and we haven't had a chance to dig into them yet.  But soon!

Hope that helps.  Let us know how it goes.

- ethan

Hi ethan,


you were right. To get rid of the dependency don't build the test env. So the bundle install --without test.


Then I had an issue with connecting to the DB on my x64 archlinux. The culprit was a mysql gem.


When I ran `rake wagn:create --trace` I got following error:rake aborted!

uninitialized constant MysqlCompat::MysqlRes


The solution is to build your own Mysql gem:

sudo env ARCHFLAGS="-arch x86_64" gem install --no-rdoc --no-ri mysql -- --with-mysql-config=/usr/bin/mysql_config"

(adjust the mysql_config path to fit your system)



  --tukanos (Not signed in).....Mon May 30 22:34:40 -0700 2011

Awesome. Thanks for the follow-up, tukanos. Hope wagn proves helpful to you!

  --Ethan McCutchen.....Tue May 31 10:39:41 -0700 2011