half-created cards via rename

Support Ticket


I tried to rename http://giraffejuice.wagn.org/wagn/GJ_to_school_form+*right+*content to "GJ to school+*type+*content" and got an application error. DIdn't check Hoptoad right away; might have generated http://wagn.hoptoadapp.com/errors/626584 but the card names mentioned there make me think not.


Now when i try to create "GJ to school" i get an app error CacheError: cached card gj_to_school found but it's not in database.


interesting.  probably not a data integrity issue if it's just in the memory cache; we should just clear the cache at some point to check.

this error should never occur with the new caching system

  --Ethan McCutchen.....Mon Nov 29 17:55:45 -0800 2010