My wagn site currently uses two layouts, I'd like to give each layout its own search parameters. I created a new search card based on the *search card and while I have the WQL syntax correct for the searches I'd like to perform, I can't see how to update *navbox with the new search card. How can I point *navbox to the search card I'd like to be using at any given time? and have different layouts with different top bars, but these need separate search bars.
Sounds like it would require code, as far as I know.
One general solution would be for us to add a setting that specifies a *search. Another method would be for us to add a "search" directive in inclusion syntax, which would only be relevant when including *navbox. So the custom layout for a custom search section would use {{*navbox|search:*customsearch}} rather than {{*navbox}} (which would default to *search). --John Abbe
yes, the connection is currently hard coded. There's very little code involved; it would just be a couple of hours work or less for someone who knows the code.
fwiw, the second (inclusion-based) solution makes a lot more sense to me; any given setting card would seem to have problems. There is a "wild" directive that can be used for narrow cases like this.
--Ethan McCutchen.....Thu Jun 21 19:29:06 +0000 2012
You mean it would be {{*navbox|wild:*customsearch}} , and wild has context-sensitive meaning for cases narrow enough that you'd never be likely to have two different uses on the same set? Is this to avoid having "too many" directives?
--John Abbe.....Thu Jun 21 22:45:55 +0000 2012
that's pretty much the syntax, yes (except customsearch shouldn't have a "*"). for now the inclusion syntax is a reserved namespace. "wild" lets people pass variables through but doesn't open up new syntax creation (yet).
--Ethan McCutchen.....Thu Jun 21 22:51:24 +0000 2012