implement hosted files+discussion

To support multiple-user servers, User cards could have a +path inclusion where people enter their user name on the host, e.g. "John Abbe+path" in this case would be "/u1/johnca/" or "/u1/johnca/web/". Then *path+*right+*default could have "" and new +*path cards would be pre-populated such that in most cases you could just click Submit. (Adding "web/" or not would depend on whether that Wagn in general, or that user in particular, thought tey would most often be uploading to their base directory or their web serving directory.)


If we got way into integrating with the serving machine, we might instead have something like "+host username" that just has "johnca" which would allow for additional services (e.g. starting up a Terminal session). Additional configuration cards ("*host user directory", "*host web subdirectory") would be used build up the appropriate default for +path.


--John Abbe

I want to acknowledge this - thanks! At the same time, I'm not super clear yet on the value. Are there any user stories that this solves?


I would have several questions about this one, like how the revision handling works, and how our permissions interact with server permissions.


Doesn't this seem like sys-admin level work that could largely be accomplished with symbolic links?

  --Ethan McCutchen.....Mon May 03 12:58:38 -0700 2010

Looking at it now, I don't see much point in having Wagn manage files that are just going into, and accessed via, either directly web server software or non-Wagn web systems. The use case related to the above that I would like to handle would be to store the mp3 via Wagn, and make it accessible via the same old URL. Closing this ticket, and opening handle mp3 and other media types.

  --John Abbe.....Mon Jan 24 16:36:22 -0800 2011