√1. Ability to watch a card that's in content or titled view (this is now handled)
2. Ability to Wagneer watching in more ways, e.g. once _main works you can put the watch links anywhere.
"foo+*watch links" shows the appropriate watch/unwatch links for foo
1 would be handled as part of a rich solution to make simple edit-alternative to double click.
it's a view. eg view (watch) not supported for implement watch links as a card
--Ethan McCutchen.....2013-03-14 05:26:39 +0000
view (watch) not supported for implement watch links as a card+discussion
Nifty! Something tells me there are a lot of undocumented views now. Adding this and others I can think of to views+not ready, is there already a list anywhere of the new ones?
--John Abbe.....2013-03-14 06:29:01 +0000
Yes, there are. I think that is partly intentional, there are many views that are really internal and not intended for Wagneer use. On the other hand, there are probably many of them that need to be documented for use.
I'm not sure if we are considering making these two classes distinct in the code, so that only some views would be available in the inclusion syntax, but that is a possibility.
--Gerry Gleason.....2013-03-14 10:45:18 +0000
there's not a lot of need to record views. it's just a recipe for stale data, and in most cases we don't really want people using them lest we break their sites later. We can autogenerate a list of views when needed.
--Ethan McCutchen.....2013-03-14 16:11:52 +0000
(in general, the "not ready" documentation seems like a poor use of time when all the ready stuff is poorly documented)
--Ethan McCutchen.....2013-03-14 16:12:44 +0000
If I have the energy to document stuff that even just I will find useful later I want to go with it, not force myself to go do something else.
--John Abbe.....2013-03-14 21:47:44 +0000
+discussed in support tickets
+relevant user stories