keep top bar always on-screen





You'd replace div.fixedtop with div#menu to make it site-wide.


div.fixedtop {

div#primary, div#secondary {

padding: 35pt 0 0 0;




  1. When you scroll, cards' tabs (Edit, and the others if they're visible) show up in the top bar, not sure how to get rid of that.
  2. Doesn't work in IE6, and anchors will jump to the top of the page (thus hiding under the top bar). These two links seem to offer ways to deal with all that:
    Alternately, this does it with jquery:
  3. The padding on primary and secondary is necessary make the main card and sidebar appear low enough on but messes up cards which use Default Layout. Not a problem if it's site-wide.

Sounds cool. Would probably want to try it out with some individual wagns first. nothing that can't be wagneered. For #3 you can always add more specific css classes. #1 probably just needs z-index tweaking.

  --Ethan McCutchen.....Tue Jan 11 09:06:15 -0800 2011

And then we'd at least want graceful degradation for IE6. I don't know what it looks like now - do you have IE6 handy?

  --John Abbe.....Tue Jan 11 16:44:52 -0800 2011

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