leave underscore in cards created via link+discussion
disagree. I think underscores are the easiest way to represent spaces in a link. changing to idea.
--Ethan McCutchen.....Tue May 11 14:26:09 -0700 2010
Um, isn't the easiest way to represent a space a space?
And if you want an underscore in a card's name, how are you supposed to represent that?
--John Abbe.....Wed May 12 19:44:28 -0700 2010
technically you can't have spaces in urls. when you do that, some systems convert them to +'s, which creates problems for wagn. and if you escape them and get %20, then that's an issue. I'm ok with not being able to create names with underscores in them via links. Why is this a significant use case worth making the more common use case (spaces) less usable?
--Ethan McCutchen.....Thu May 13 12:26:58 -0700 2010
Because it makes Wagn markup links with underscores in them - e.g., name_test - not do what one would expect, probly an even more common use case.
--John Abbe.....Thu May 13 13:30:12 -0700 2010
?? are you saying "doing what one would expect" is a use case?
I'm using "use case" to mean actual situations, as opposed to theoretical ones. I think wanting an underscore in a name is theoretical. I don't think people want to create cards with underscores in the name very often.
Check this out: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Name_test
It creates a card with a space, which is what I would think it would do. I'm not going to look now, but my guess is that if you made a wiki link on a mediawiki site it would do the same thing.
Of course, the difference is that if you *did* want to make a card with an underscore in its name in wagn, you could take the extra step of entering the name manually and it would work (as would using the link in the name).
--Ethan McCutchen.....Fri May 14 00:26:53 -0700 2010