make installation smoother for geeks



there are still some significant obstacles to smooth wagn installation, even for competent geeks.  they include:

  • unix-specific documentation -√? definitely some improvements here (no more sudo)
  • √? warnings about new relics plugin
  • √ separate gem installs
  • make rake:copy_configs (and have that do all the file copying)
  • expect no needed initial changes to wagn.rb. We should add lots of comments to sample_wagn.rb, and then just refer them there for customization / fine tuning.
  • similarly, we should add a bunch of comments to sample_database.yml and just point them there on the installation page.




I made several changes to Installation, and with Lew's recent improvements to the gem situation and the new starter card procedure (wagn:create), things are really looking up.  I'm not sure there's a lot more we need to do before 1.0, but it might be good to ask our geeklist to try a new install and see how they fare.

Eventually, it would be awesome if we could write a script to prompt installers for the "Configure your Server" and "Set up your Database" sections. That's not 1.0 worthy, but any fat we could trim would be good. wonder if we could get rid of the site_name setting?

  --Ethan McCutchen.....Thu Apr 30 09:21:42 -0700 2009

Why is it that the compiled css and js assets aren't already in the repository?

  --Ethan McCutchen.....Thu Apr 30 09:23:30 -0700 2009

I'm wondering if we shouldn't do the following:

1. make rake:copy_configs (and have that do all the file copying)
2. expect no needed initial changes to wagn.rb. We should add lots of comments to sample_wagn.rb, and then just refer them there for customization / fine tuning.
3. similarly, we should add a bunch of comments to sample_database.yml and just point them there on the installation page.

  --Ethan McCutchen.....Thu Apr 30 09:43:01 -0700 2009

need to make sure there are no references to email addresses anywhere in default setup. I've been getting tons of bounces from wagns off site.

  --Lewis Hoffman.....Tue May 19 14:31:37 -0700 2009


1. can't happen because rake won't load until your database is configured. I've set it up so you don't have to copy the files if you download the tarball from rubyforge.

2. done

3. the defaults work with default mysql setup. this is pretty standard stuff I think.

4. we think we've eliminated references to


I'm content to call this good enough and wait on bug reports from folks trying install.

  --Lewis Hoffman.....Tue Jun 16 08:24:47 -0700 2009