

In principle, Decko's naming power is intended to make you feel safe and strong - NOT like you're walking on eggshells.  You should be able to create and change names without worrying that things will fall apart.  The following practices are helpful for keeping your data clean and beautiful, but they're ultimately just suggestions, not formal guidelines.

  1. Each card type should have a naming pattern.  For example, if you're creating a database about colors, then you will likely want to decide whether each color's canonical name should be Capitalized, CamelCased, plural, singular, etc.  It doesn't matter what you choose, but "yellow", "red", "green" creates a much tidier looking list than "YELLOW", "red", "Green".
  2. Types themselves should be singular and capitalized.  In the above example, the cardtype would be named "Color", not "Colors" or "color".  Of course, the name variants would work regardless, but this pattern will keep the names consistent with the built-in types
  3. The right side of cards with compound names should match other similar cards' right sides. For example, if you add a card named "desk+height" and then want to add a card about the height of "bookshelf", name it "bookshelf+height". That allows you to specify sets that will include all height cards. (Decko sets are not arbitrarily definable, but two ways to do so are via their type or their right side name.)


(NOTE - here are the name-related tickets (ignore the link below)