polish up new file and image uploading



Not-so-large (i.e., 240k) files can take 10 seconds, up to even a minute, or sometimes, we just get the spinning wheel forever.


Stop creating file/image cards in multi-edit if nothing uploaded


Auto-fill card name from image name


Fix full view for gifs - from Lew on Skype:

ImageScience doesn't handle all gifs properly, so it converts them to pngs for thumbnails.  It has something to do with trying to save gifs with a larger palette than 256 colors, which is all the gif format supports. One fix would be switch to different image processing back-end  (ImageMagick.. etc)


Option to delete


Handle mismatched/invalid mime types (at least decent err msg)


CSS pass-through to image


Can't upload .ico files (eternal spin; Application error?).


Much more in +discussion...


Option to delete:


Put a link just below the image, "Reset to blank". If this is clicked after they've uploaded a file or image, bring back the text box & Browse... button interface.


Looks like this was pushed (from use attachment fu for uploads+solution):

if any included card is in content view, pass CSS (e.g. |height: and |width:) in rather than applying it to the card.


Eternal upload example — go to http://grouppatternlanguage.org/wagn/Mirroring and click on ADD A MIRROR (right side of card, near top). I went through simpler and simpler cases and got it to work when i was uploading to the image card itself (i.e. not included anywhere). See http://test.dwagn.org/wagn/eternal_image_uploads (gets an Application error i think after spinning for a while). --John


would be nice to have it re-populate the iframe after upload, so you could do it again if something looked screwy. involves modifying API and implementation of responds to parent.

  --Lewis Hoffman.....Wed Mar 25 15:33:39 -0700 2009

thinking that upload permissions should be global-ish. ie. anyone who can create image cards can upload image files, anyone who can create file cards can upload files. this creates the odd case where if you have edit permission but not create permissions effectively you can't edit. the other way- you have create permission but not edit, also isn't perfect, you can upload but won't be able to associate the file with any card. both of these seem ok to me.

  --Lewis Hoffman.....Wed Mar 25 14:06:14 -0700 2009



Looks like non-alphanumeric characters are replaced with underscores. That's cool for now. But files with slashes in the name lose everything before the slash. Would like to treat the slash the same as everything else.

  --John Abbe.....Fri Apr 24 18:24:55 -0700 2009

Ideally to me the filename would be retained, funny characters, spaces, and all. I know i've usually been in support of readable URLs, but an even higher priority to me is that when we store something for people, when they take it back we it's just as they left it.

  --John Abbe.....Fri Apr 24 18:25:09 -0700 2009

From use attachment fu for uploads+solution (Image Urls) it looks like there was an idea to have URLs at wagn.org (or on custom domains) that work. Did this get implemented? (if not, do we want to add an Idea to explore this?)

  --John Abbe.....Fri Apr 24 18:25:21 -0700 2009

On files, there's a link to the file after uploading - suggest either not making this a link, or having it open in a new tab some file types open in browser, and if they click them and load a new page, then when they go back to Create/Save they can't.

  --John Abbe.....Fri Apr 24 18:25:34 -0700 2009

Do we tell Amazon to throw files away if the card isn't saved/created after the upload?

  --John Abbe.....Fri Apr 24 18:25:43 -0700 2009

Is it on purpose that the text box & Browse... button disappear after upload? (I not infrequently upload the wrong thing and want to do it again.) Probably the same thing as what Lew mentioned above.

  --John Abbe.....Fri Apr 24 18:26:12 -0700 2009

I notice on staff that I have to click the create button twice to create any receipt. This was very consistent (I did a lot of them). Is this because the structure includes a file?

Also, if the file card was left blank, it still created a card. Which means there are lots of blank file cards on gc.org

  --Ethan McCutchen.....Mon May 04 10:28:22 -0700 2009

Getting the have-to-click-twice-to-create behavior at http://test.dwagn.org/new/User but it's not creating the file or image card. --John, May 23

However on gc.org i'm getting the same behavior Ethan described; even using the inclusions subtab did it: http://grasscommons.org/wagn/spurious_card_test --John, May 25

several file links acting erratically on gc.org, often giving 404's

  --Ethan McCutchen.....Mon May 04 22:54:10 -0700 2009

An easier way to see full-size than including somewhere size:full (use case - screenshots, e.g. one Phoebe submitted on Connectipedia+discussion). I'm thinking on the image's card itself show full size?

  --John Abbe.....Fri May 08 23:15:21 -0700 2009

if you're on the new card interface (eg add new card) and you change the type to an Image and *then* to another type, the type that follows image gets an application error.

  --Ethan McCutchen.....Mon May 18 13:55:13 -0700 2009

Transparency in .png files isn't being respected - see http://test.dwagn.org/wagn/transparency_not_being_respected (the background for that card is set to gray in http://test.dwagn.org/wagn/*css ). The weird thing is it looks like it is being respected in the sidebar, but i first noticed this when it wasn't being respected in the logo for http://johnabbe.wagn.org/ - had to hand-tint the logo to the background color.

  --John Abbe.....Sat May 23 20:43:55 -0700 2009

Suggest moving the browse button to below the text box that shows the file path. See http://test.dwagn.org/wagn/confusion and click on "Add more confusion" as an example of why. (Relevant on the patteen language wiki; see http://grouppatternlanguage.org/wagn/Creating_a_Container )

  --John Abbe.....Mon Jun 08 00:18:35 -0700 2009

fixed taking name from file. deployed to Ang. needs testing.

  --Lewis Hoffman.....Tue Jun 09 08:02:03 -0700 2009

Scott getting an application error. See Image upload error.

  --John Abbe.....Sun Jun 14 00:17:42 -0700 2009

very hard to look here and quickly grok where things are.

  --Ethan McCutchen.....Sun Aug 02 21:08:51 -0700 2009

this ticket makes me sigh.

  --Ethan McCutchen.....Fri Feb 18 10:34:40 -0800 2011

Yeah, I'm aware of it and intend to sort through it at some point.

  --John Abbe.....Fri Feb 18 10:43:18 -0800 2011

that comment makes me unsigh.

  --Ethan McCutchen.....Fri Feb 18 14:44:13 -0800 2011

add option to delete image - this should be an idea if anything. I'm not wild about it. why have a special button to evoke a blank image? why not delete it? Perhaps instead we should add a special missing view for images. Much more elegant.


"handle image transparency appropriately" could be an idea, too. Actually, Wagn doesn't explicitly do any of this; it's all on the image libraries. If we want to consider others, we should be gathering rationale there. Consider defaulting to rmagick instead of ImageScience.


moving the browse button is a skin-specific issue. I don't understand what's happening on that link. It's effectively confusing, but I never actually saw a browse button.


After I make those cards, I'll close this ticket. Finally.

  --Ethan McCutchen.....Thu Dec 01 13:11:10 -0800 2011