request Wagn support XML and XSLT




I hope Wagn can support  XML/XSLT, such as Flux CMS,  a Web Content Management System based on [PHP 5][] and [Popoon][], and Daisy, a CMS based on PHP and [Apache Cocoon][].
Thanks a lot! This is my first post. Also this is my try of Wagn. --tonyliuh




We're definitely into being easily interoperable with other software. What you're wanting may not be something we can get to in the near future, but i'd definitely like to get more clearly what you're asking here - what exactly is it it that you'd like Wagn to do - make content available in XML? If that's it, then to some existing format (and if so, which), or any XML format? An example or two would be helpful too.

--John Abbe.....Thu Sep 18 10:36:04 -0700 2008

not in the roadmap right now.

  --Ethan McCutchen.....Sun Mar 08 21:23:01 -0700 2009

+relevant user stories