resolve "menu" name conflict





On*plusses the closed views lack a card name.


funny one.  specific to cards named "menu".  There is a "reserved" css class called "title-menu".  There is also a pattern of naming parts of headers title-[card name]


these two conflicted.  Could solve by changing reserved css class to w-title-menu or somethign.


oof. look what happens if you click "difficulty". it's a quotation mark issue.

  --Ethan McCutchen.....Thu Apr 30 10:40:05 -0700 2009

ignore quotations when creating inclusions

  --John Abbe.....Thu Apr 30 12:31:17 -0700 2009

I think this got resolved a while back.

  --Ethan McCutchen.....Mon Feb 07 23:32:16 -0800 2011

looks good to me

  --John Abbe.....Tue Feb 08 05:00:40 -0800 2011