respect cardtype creation permission for Anyone
respect cardtype creation permission for Anyone+example
On, Anyone signed in can create Basic cards. After setting /card/options/Attribute and /card/options/Ticket to be createable by Anyone and signing out, trying to create /new/Attribute or /new/Ticket still gets: "Ooo. Sorry, but... You have to sign in to create Basic cards"
You also get this message if you go to /card/new when signed out, even if you do have permission to create some cardtypes.
(If you're on the Ticket creation page already and then sign out and then click Create, it creates the Ticket, then - correctly - fails to create any of the plus cards, but returns an ugly error message.)
weird. upped pri to medium.
I definitely don't want Anyone creating tickets, but seems like a significant but tractable problem.
(test on ang)
--Ethan McCutchen.....Mon Apr 27 12:33:03 -0700 2009