search going to "Search" card

Support Ticket


Just tried doing a search on "counseling" on Connectipedia, and got which showed the "Search" cardtype card.


That was while signed out. When I signed in, I got which showed expected search results.


in the old (pre 1.8) navbox, javascript interrupted normal form submission and generated a nonstandard CGI request "/search/<keyword>".  The url you're showing looks like the javascript failed for some reason and the form submitted unmodified, which is basically nonsensical to wagn's controllers.


In the new (1.8) navbox, everything will function normally even with javascript turned off (which is part of the rationale for the new web api), so this problem would not occur.


Of course, it's not great that javascript failed, but since literally not one line of wagn's javascript has been left untouched in this latest refactor (not including the jquery library, though that too has been updated), it's probably not worth digging into a 1.7.1 js bug unless it's a very prominent problem.

...but please do keep reporting issues. many could still be there. thanks!

  --Ethan McCutchen.....Wed Jan 04 09:49:47 -0800 2012