snag with 1.6 installation

Support Ticket


I'm trying to get Wagn installed, and have hit a snag that I can't find any help on


I run 

rake wagn:create


and I get the following error:

rake aborted!

Mysql::Error: No database selected: 

        select distinct ct.class_name,, c.key, p.party_type, p.party_id 

        from cardtypes ct 

        join cards c on and c.type='Cardtype'    

        join permissions p on and p.task='create' 


I can't seem to figure this out

Any ideas?

(sorry if this is a dumb question and there is an obvious thing I am overlooking)


IANAC, but I sounds like it may be a known bug that we're working on a patch for. --John Abbe

Hi Mike,


This is patched in the latest code on github, but we haven't added new quick install files yet. I hope to get those out very soon, but if you'd like to do it yourself, just comment out line 146 of config/wagn_initializer.rb, which reads:


::Cardtype.load_cache unless ['test','cucumber'].member? ENV['RAILS_ENV']


To comment it out, just add a "#" at the beginning of the line and save it.  (Or you could just delete the line altogether)


Sorry for the bug!

  --Ethan McCutchen.....Wed Jun 01 22:59:53 -0700 2011

Thanks! That fixed the error. Unfortunately ...

rake wagn:create

now produces a different error, also database related:


Couldn't drop  : #<ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: Mysql::Error: Incorrect database name '': DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS ``>

 already exists

-- create_table("card_files", {:force=>true})

rake aborted!

Mysql::Error: No database selected: SHOW TABLES

  --Mike Gallagher.....Thu Jun 02 08:04:08 -0700 2011

It looks like it doesn't know what database name to use, which probably means something is wrong in your config/database.yml file.


Are you doing the "quick start" or the "long haul" installation method? If you're using the long haul method, you may have skipped the step of copying over that file?


Could you post that file here (minus any passwords or private info)?

  --Ethan McCutchen.....Thu Jun 02 08:35:06 -0700 2011

btw, I may soon change the name of this ticket to something that will make this info easier for others to find.

  --Ethan McCutchen.....Thu Jun 02 09:06:37 -0700 2011

Yes, I thought that might be the case. I altered the database.yml as per the long haul instructions. After doing so, I get a similar, but slightly different error.


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


- - -

common: &common

adapter: mysql

username: wagn

password: ---

host: localhost

secret: YrDOFOmYJyFg2tTZykCbZjWYQUbKBt



adapter: mysql

socket: /var/mysql/mysql.sock

database: wagn_development

username: wagn

password: ---

host: localhost



adapter: mysql

socket: /var/mysql/mysql.sock

database: wagn_test

username: wagn

password: ---

host: localhost



database: wagn_test

session_key: wagn_test

<<: *common



adapter: mysql

socket: /var/mysql/mysql.sock

database: wagn_production

username: wagn

password: ---

host: localhost


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

and now the error message

- - -

Couldn't drop wagn_development : #

Couldn't create database for {"adapter"=>"mysql", "socket"=>"/var/mysql/mysql.sock", "database"=>"wagn_development", "username"=>"wagn", "password"=>"thepasswordwasrighthere", "host"=>"localhost"}, charset: utf8, collation: utf8_unicode_ci (if you set the charset manually, make sure you have a matching collation)

-- create_table("card_files", {:force=>true})

rake aborted!

Mysql::Error: No database selected: SHOW TABLES


(btw, yes, sorry about the name, that was duh moment on my part)

  --Mike Gallagher.....Thu Jun 02 09:15:33 -0700 2011

Hmm, looks like a mysql issue. I would try logging into mysql with that username and password and running "create database wagn_development" and seeing if you get that same error.


Judging by this, that charset/collation message may not be relevant to the problem. Someone on that post had the issue because the mysql user had not been created yet.

  --Ethan McCutchen.....Thu Jun 02 10:58:33 -0700 2011