sporadic problems with adding or editing cards+discussion

Not so sporadic - got the same behavior creating this support ticket. --John

Another behavior is when editing formatted cards, some edits taking and others not. Specifically, on http://grouppatternlanguage.org/wagn/4558804010_46190db631_b we multi-edited and removed the one item on "+other images" just fine, but content added in the "+Patterns" did not take, and when we clicked on "Add +Patterns" to do so that also did not work. Hoptoad says: ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: PGError: ERROR: column "pattern_spec_key" of relation "cards" does not exist LINE 1: ...revision_id", "created_by", "references_expired", "pattern_s... ^ : INSERT INTO "cards" ("name", "reader_type", "indexed_content", "upd


We are running into this a lot :-P

  --John Abbe.....Sun Jan 16 20:23:34 -0800 2011

No clear pattern yet as to when it works and when it doesn't.

  --John Abbe.....Sun Jan 16 20:24:06 -0800 2011

After the App Error, we just keep hitting Submit and sometimes it works.

  --John Abbe.....Sun Jan 16 21:29:00 -0800 2011

I don't understand the irregularity of it, but I do think I found the source of the problem.


This "pattern_spec_key" field was migrated out of the database a long time ago. (Back in April, 2010, I think). But it looks like at some point it got reintroduced to the schema (a rails representation of the database). So it appears that, using that info, rails was having it attempt to set the value of a field that doesn't exist.


I manually erased that field from the schema, which isn't exactly what you're supposed to do, and deployed to pinz.


I hope this means you won't see the issue any more, but I'm not confident; something could be stuck in memory somewhere, so I might have to start apache or something. Please let me know if you see the issue again.

  --Ethan McCutchen.....Mon Jan 17 10:03:01 -0800 2011

So, nothing to ticket here, you think it was a problem unique to our Wagn install?

  --John Abbe.....Fri Jan 21 00:17:56 -0800 2011

Seeing this again, when I added a support ticket got the same app error (checked Hoptoad), and none of the plus cards were added. Had to click to add them repeatedly before it took.

  --John Abbe.....Tue Jan 25 01:55:31 -0800 2011