stop hanging Wagn on long saves
Some cards are taking a loooooong time to save, and Wagn is hung in the meantime:
star options busted+example
CQL Syntax
Wagn 1.1+Bugs
Tickets by kind (hangs a very long time)
They all have inclusions, most of them have many.
Typically the save works, even though the card remains in Edit mode when Wagn unhangs.
Maybe related? Going to the Changes tab (and clicking on Autosaved Draft) of Bugs+inbox also takes a while (though on the order of a minute, and it does eventually work).
star options busted+example
CQL Syntax
Wagn 1.1+Bugs
Tickets by kind (hangs a very long time)
They all have inclusions, most of them have many.
Typically the save works, even though the card remains in Edit mode when Wagn unhangs.
Maybe related? Going to the Changes tab (and clicking on Autosaved Draft) of Bugs+inbox also takes a while (though on the order of a minute, and it does eventually work).