upgrade to 1.11.8 fails

Support Ticket


Hi guys,

I tried to update my wagn the "usual" way.  When I restared the webserver I get this message when trying to access the application:


Started GET "/" for 196.3.xx.xx at Wed Aug 07 08:00:29 -0700 2013
Processing by CardController#read as HTML
exception = Wagn::Exceptions::BadAddress: Wagn::Exceptions::BadAddress
Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 16ms
** [Airbrake] Failure: Net::HTTPClientError

ArgumentError (undefined class/module Cardlib::):
  lib/wagn/cache.rb:114:in `read'
  lib/card/set_pattern.rb:56:in `initialize'
  lib/card/set_pattern.rb:15:in `new'
  lib/card/set_pattern.rb:15:in `new'
  app/controllers/application_controller.rb:93:in `__bind_1375887629_808089'

I have checked the source code, but did not find anything fishy.  Would you have an idea why I'm getting this message?


Thank you,



I would try clearing the cache (and, potentially, restarting memcache if you're using it). The error is referring to things that don't exist in the code any more (namely 'Cardlib'). My guess is that the reference is cached somewhere, but if not perhaps you have a local module or a local modification that refers to it?

--Ethan McCutchen.....2013-08-07 15:57:47 +0000

That was very quick Ethan. I do not have a local modification yet. Getting to know the code a little bit, when time allows it.

Solution: remove the wagn/tmp/cache direcotry (e.g. rm -R $HOME/web/wagn/tmp/cache) solved it.


I was thinking if something did not stay there. Anyways you can mark the ticket solved.


--Tukanos.....2013-08-08 11:19:56 +0000