Support Ticket

wagn navbox mystery padding+status
wagn navbox mystery padding+tag

wagn navbox mystery padding+issues

I'm using a hosted wagn and some update to the core has screwed up my navbox.


Now the autocomplete drop down has a huge mystery hieght. I can't find anything in the CSS that is adding any margin, padding, or height. It's really confusing me as I have a lot of experience with CSS...

Type anything into the navbox and the drop down is broken.

wagn navbox mystery padding+screenshot

wagn navbox mystery padding+screenshot

Hey Drew! Great to hear from you. We should catch up at some point.


For this issue, could you use /delete/*all+*style+*machine_output to refresh your concatenated/compressed CSS file? I think you might have last populated it during a brief window when a css bug was introduced. You could also test this by adding ?debug=style to any card.


If that doesn't work, would you be willing to make it so that *navbox is readable by "Anyone"?

--Ethan McCutchen.....2015-02-17 23:27:44 +0000

I can't get the navbox working on not signed users I'm afraid :(

--Drew.....2015-02-17 23:29:51 +0000