
April 3, 2009


Corvallis, OR


http://beaverbarcamp.com/ (defunct)

I had fun at the first, did many demos. --John Abbe


Second was small, did one demo: Make it possible to expose HTML & WQL code to users even if they can't edit.


Demonstration notes:

I did a lot of demos at BeaverBarCamp. Several were 45 minutes - long enough to get through the +for geeks with time left over. One was five minutes in front of the whole group, and i didn't quite get to WQL (though i mentioned it as time ran out, and someone in the audience yelled out, "it gets cooler!"). Notes on what i did below, followed by some responses, things i learned, etc. Thanks to everyone there who was interested to learn about Wagn! --John Abbe


Feedback, etc.


Ticket system is a good demo (for geeks)


Ask people:

Are you using something, and wondering how Wagn might be different?


Create a competitor Cardtype - list their important features

create one for Wagn describing all such features, then can show Tables comparing


Suggested features:


implement required fields on forms

Basic import

embed cardtype

drawing cardtype

separate back and front completely

API (in general, and especially for import/export)

instant messaging cardtype

drag & drop cards into the sidebar

support simple import and export


Swallow some TiddlyWiki features (possible use for the space under the main card!) - http://www.tiddlywiki.com/