add descriptions for each section on setting cards



Low-hanging fruit for improving setting cards might be *all+description, *type+description, etc. which show up under each header. Figure?




  • *all is a set, not a setting
  • *right is neither
  • sets already have labels, which show up on the set card and on the settings subtab.  where else do you want it to show up?

the labels are hard-coded currently but we might be able to do that differently...

  --Ethan McCutchen.....Fri Apr 30 16:04:36 -0700 2010

this idea seems confused to me. there are several other related tickets / ideas where we could reintroduce the idea if we get clear on what it is.

  --Ethan McCutchen.....2013-04-03 21:29:15 +0000

+relevant user stories