can't rename card to renamed-deleted card name

Support Ticket


This sort of thing is coming up a lot. Is there any sense of what the underlying cause might be?

Have had several repetitions of the same problem.

  --Brandon WilliamsCraig.....Sun Jan 16 15:38:50 -0800 2011

This is the same issue as the one mentioned in renaming fails on duplicate key value. If you guys are both seeing it, then let's add the ticket suggested there, make it high pri, and attach it to the Wagn 1.7 release.

  --Ethan McCutchen.....Mon Jan 17 10:48:38 -0800 2011

This hasn't been fixed yet, but it's addressed in the following ticket: don't let trashed plus cards block renaming.


So I'm closing this one...

  --Ethan McCutchen.....Wed Jan 19 14:47:49 -0800 2011