expose cardtype as a card




Plussing to *type returns the Cardtype card of the card it's plussed to.  (this name depends on rename set classes)



From expose card metadata in cards



Thinking this should be done with wql. "type_of" should be relationship returning type cards of anything in card_spec that follows.


I'm vacillating on this one. Seems like WQL should be there for symmetry, but also sort of seems silly to have to query for something we've so heavily optimized. Let me stew on this a bit...

This would enable getting rid of the "Formatted by a form card" text at the top when editing *structure-controlled cards (I've objected to removing it since I use the "form" link to navigate to forms all the time, but that could be Wagneered in the sidebar with _main and +*cardtype).

  --John Abbe.....Thu Dec 22 20:30:35 -0800 2011

btw, I know longer think this should involve WQL; just fetching.

  --Ethan McCutchen.....2013-04-03 17:24:20 +0000