full size not always available
Support Ticket
Other sizes seem okay. http://grouppatternlanguage.org/wagn/test
Is this a known thing? I vaguely recall something about gifs or jpgs not being made into all sizes properly. I'm not seeing a ticket about anything like that:
No easy workaround I can think of. For this one image, large would be big enough, but the context is http://grouppatternlanguage.org/wagn/image_library for which they really need to all be full.
I think this was a known thing, yeah, though it's never been wonderfully documented. We should ticket a fix if there isn't one.
--Ethan McCutchen.....Mon Jan 03 18:07:55 -0800 2011
fix full size for uploaded gifs
--John Abbe.....Tue Jan 04 21:40:59 -0800 2011
so are we pretty sure it works with pngs and jpgs?
--Ethan McCutchen.....Sun Feb 20 21:48:04 -0800 2011
--John Abbe.....Sun Feb 20 21:52:39 -0800 2011