If show:comment_box appears the inclusion syntax of supported views (currently open or titled), then the view will render (with the box) even for unknown cards. (solution described in commenting overhaul).
So, does it appear as open view? Tab corner blank? (It's not a Virtual card.)
realizing we'll need to be sure all these permission checks on new cards don't add up to a big performance hit. Will probably be fine once we setting-ize permissions
show comment box on nonexistent inclusions+issues
When cards that will have comments are added via inclusion, that initial text lacks the signature that later comments will have.
show comment box on nonexistent inclusions+solution
If show:comment_box appears the inclusion syntax of supported views (currently open or titled), then the view will render (with the box) even for unknown cards. (solution described in commenting overhaul).
Also works with discuss item on menu.
So, does it appear as open view? Tab corner blank? (It's not a Virtual card.)
realizing we'll need to be sure all these permission checks on new cards don't add up to a big performance hit. Will probably be fine once we setting-ize permissions
--Ethan McCutchen.....Fri Jan 28 13:34:11 -0800 2011
see commenting overhaul.
--Ethan McCutchen.....2013-04-06 05:17:55 +0000
show comment box on nonexistent inclusions+discussed in support tickets