spotlight highlight broken on connectipedia



we never fixed this after we changed editors.


we've determined that it's a pita to recreate the old behavior, so we're moving to using spans & classes.   we enabled classes that begin with  w-  to be passed throught the html filtering.  


To use this we'll need to make the following changes on cp:

  1. modify local.css to apply to   .w-spotlight & .w-highlight,
  2. configure *tinyMCE.  add
    • theme_advanced_styles : "spotlight=w-spotlight;highlight=w-highlight"
    • 'styleselect' to the appropriate spot in 'theme_advanced_buttons1'
    • add '/stylesheets/local.css' to content_css:


And we'll need to create a migration for the existing data.


some good cards to look at:


Adult - continuing education

Affordable housing development

After-school Programs



It has a highlight and a spotlight (through experimenting i found which is which - adding styling in the menu would help). I like the rounded look on the highlight! However, in edit mode, they both show as spotlight.

Same problem when i tested by editing and Daniel Bachhuber's signature line shows as highlighted in edit mode.

--John Abbe.....Mon Dec 29 00:59:55 -0800 2008

this is an issue with their local.css. let's fix this after we have a *css card

  --Ethan McCutchen.....Fri Jan 02 10:41:58 -0800 2009