Make Slot a Model and Renderer Subclass



An add on to refactor inclusion processing that is a little risky so it has it's own ticket.  The goal is to separate general rendering from the slot code, and also moving the slot code into a model is a bonus that should make this change easier as well as improve transclusion support.


I will be pulling in my last attempt merged with the latest in develop.  My branch for this work is slot_render, starting at this commit.




Ethan just took his first real look at this branch.  It is progressing pretty well now.  Hopefully we will be ready to merge into develop within a week or two, but it's hard to know for sure.

I just changed this from an idea to a ticket, since it's pretty much done. let's keep tracking bugs on refactor inclusion processing and consider this closed.

  --Ethan McCutchen.....Thu Jan 27 00:55:19 -0800 2011

So a "merged" ticket, yes.


If we had a "reason" or "how" field that went along with a status change ... "merged", "duplicate", "implemented" ...

  --Gerry Gleason.....Thu Jan 27 01:54:26 -0800 2011

usually we put a comment in the discussion, or maybe you mean add summary of edit being made ?

  --John Abbe.....Thu Jan 27 07:14:00 -0800 2011