Network cards
Lewis Hoffman+Resume
Lewis Hoffman+Resume+skills
Arthur Brock+Company
Hosting and Consulting+questions
John Abbe+wiki
BrownSheet Arctic Retreat
implement aliasing+solution
Table cardtype+discussion
Scott Albritton+interest in Wagn
Kevin M. Dulzo+story
Paul Treadwell+story
Jack Ricchiuto+story
multi-edit failure in FF3 on Win XP+issues
Wagn Hosting Agreement
Rose Marshack+story
compound names+example
steven parker+story
Right Form Must Match Case+discussion
Pattern Cards+as DSL
Pattern Cards+implementation+module outline
Packs+architecture+Wagnerian Operators
+Wikipedia ref+article chunk
+picnic+article to read
Brian Schwartz+story
Building an openSUSE Wagn Appliance
Why Wagn Matters
Why Wagn Matters+discussion
James A Baker+story
set admininstrator account using parameters on wagn create+discussion
watch notice options+discussion
RESTful Web API+Rack+discussion
ted newcomb+story
Inverted totalitarianism
Socially Engaged Buddhism
open_in_full page
fullscreen modal
edit edit
space_dashboard advanced
Socially Engaged Buddhism: Rinzai – Soto
Paths in Zygmunt Bauman's Social Thought
Critical terms for media studies
The future of thinking: learning institutions in a digital age
Information please: culture and politics in the age of digital machines
table of contents seems to be broken+discussion
Tom Henfrey+wiki
add a way to change set with new easy formatting+example
not getting custom favicon+issues
talk menu item should go to view mode not edit+example
broken account on TRN+example
broken account on TRN+discussion
not all cardtypes showing up as such+issues
not all cardtypes showing up as such+example
Admin links broken on TRN+issues
uncaught error on adding nameless Flower+example
trouble with deleting and recreating card+issues
trouble with deleting and recreating card+discussion
Anyone Signed In can't add User pictures on TRN+issues
Puma and Nginx production stack
External SMTP Support+issues
Tristan Smithson+story
Site admin functions redirecting to localhost rather than domain name+issues
Site admin functions redirecting to localhost rather than domain name+discussion
Chris Croome+story
Problem Installing Wagn on Debian Wheezy+discussion
opening or editing card loads full page+discussion
social networks
Matthew Platte+wiki
New account signups cause Wagn hitch after 1.14.1 upgrade+discussion
Account signups and invitations not possible after upgrade to Wagn 1.14.1+discussion
DeckoSystems+archived discussion
WAGN app assets view just fine in WEBrick but no CSS, Javascript or Images from apache2?+discussion
card_name gem+overview
card_name gem+needs
Performance 3.0+story
Sonja Potenze+issues
Sonja Potenze+discussion
Greg Lehmann+story
Andrew Herman+story
Phánes Shíoraí+story
GNU General Public License
style: mods+*asset input
mod: bootstrap+*style+*asset input
decko org skin+*asset input
classic bootstrap skin+*asset input