ignore styling when rendering plus-*add or edit help
Form styling around inclusions is (sometimes?) affecting +*edit help. (and card header text)
CSS should make it so that styling in included cards in open view / closed view is minimally impacted by any styling around it, where as content / naked view should inherit as much as possible.
I set up a test on test.dwagn and it's behaving differently, not sure why.
http://test.dwagn.org/wagn/HardTempType+*type+*content styles +title as bold, and +foo as h1. Neither is showing up in View mode(!), or affecting help text when you multi-edit, but if you double-click to edit, you see the styling affecting h1. http://test.dwagn.org/wagn/HardTempTestCard
If you look at +role on http://grasscommons.org/card/edit/John_Abbe you see the h1 styling of +role on http://grasscommons.org/User+*type+*content (it's also there via double-click).