Decko's flexibility in displaying data comes from organizing views of cards. Views are most often applied via nesting and are especially useful in structure.  Views can also be specified in the RESTful Web API or in CQL.


Here is the Apple card in open view:

You can count how many seeds are in an apple, but you can't count how many apples are in a seed.

...and here it is in titled view:

You can count how many seeds are in an apple, but you can't count how many apples are in a seed.

...and in change view:

Apple edited over 11 years ago by Ethan McCutchen

...and in content view:

You can count how many seeds are in an apple, but you can't count how many apples are in a seed.


Click on any view name below to link to a page of the Apple card showing that view.


Dynamic content views

The following views can be edited in place:

  • content  — just the card content
  • titled — card title followed by content
  • open — full card header and content
  • closed — one-liner with card header and trimmed content
  • labeled — card title followed by what content will fit on a single line
  • change — who last edited each card and when

Static content views 

These views have no HTML wrapping (ie no "slots") and therefore can't be interacted with dynamically:

  • core — processed card content
  • raw — unprocessed card content, including markup and unescaped HTML

Name Views

These short views are most useful when used in displaying items in a list (collection):

  • name — the card's name
  • link — a link to the card (also see Link Syntax)
  • linkname — url-friendly name variant (eg underscores instead of spaces)
  • url —full, canonical URL for the card


Using Views

See the following pages to learn how to use views in these contexts:

  1. nesting (Nest Syntax)
  2. RESTful Web API
  3. CQL


  • several elements of views - such as the menu - can be added or removed with show or hide. See Nest Syntax.
  • views are also central to the Wagn module api, which makes it easy to create new views for specific sets.
  • The name and linkname views are especially useful for contextual web addresses.
  • views can also be added to the end of any URL to override the default view. See web address for everything.


Also see Design Braindumps+views

The default views for inclusions and items in Searches/Pointers will be changing. See change default inclusion view to titled and search&pointer items to link

  --John Abbe.....2013-03-22 23:16:08 +0000

Looks you like removed all of the tips about show/hide - is that documentation somewhere else now?

--John Abbe.....2013-09-12 16:55:34 +0000