support ticket+*type+acknowledged
Signup error
clicking advanced...related should go to first item in submenu
Weirdness in Mike Phillips' *roles history
names with weird characters confusing Wagn
Creating a card with an image and a plus-card with a non-latin title fails
lost access to administrative user account
Searching by type and then by Role
Installation Getting Stuck with json install error.
card content showing up as help text
Searching for Japanese (possibly other CJK languages?) broken
Turn off autodetect links
Google refusal of geocode request breaks form submission
Cards are inexplicably inaccessible via Pointer or Search cards
Refuses To Upload Images
Click image to enlarge
Labeled contents on more than one line
CSS 404'ing on new install
Correcting for plurals is too aggresstive
Don't Wrap Slots with Html Comments by Default
open_in_full page
fullscreen modal
edit edit
space_dashboard advanced