Idea+*type+by name
add a way to strip list and item divs from Searches
add a way to style when commenting
open_in_full page
fullscreen modal
edit edit
space_dashboard advanced
add a way to turn on type menu on card creation
add account(s) for GC Staff on hosted Wagns
add an easy way to see and edit a card's tags
add anchors for inclusions
add calculation cardtype
add cardtypes for non-dev work
add class of card type to in-Wagn links
add controlling form to footer
add created_at in WQL
add descriptions for each section on setting cards
add file endings generating more file formats
add inclusions subtab to Pointer edit mode
add inline view
add input option like multiselect but with ordering
add key view
add live view
add markup to give custom class to inclusions
add menu item(s) to build link