Installation+anything closed tagged with
install breaks on `` exec syntax on windows.
Ability to specify site home card
standardize special card names
include configuration card on install
remove default Company cardtype from installs
clean up role and user setup on install
First invited user comes up as Invitation
remove Setting cardtype and Thank You
make installation smoother for geeks
clean up star-rform and -tform cards
implement initial setup for new Wagn
differentiate *css on from english
drop-dead easy startup
update to rails 2.3
What gems do I need and what version should they be?
stop requiring hoptoad
Why is my WAGN so slow?
Editing cards shows HTML source code, not usable form fields
Installation not yet working on Rails 3
wagn 1.7 install fails for ruby-1.9.2 on OS X 10.6